@memberof <parentNamepath>
@memberof! <parentNamepath>
The @memberof tag identifies a member symbol that belongs to a parent symbol.
By default, the @memberof tag documents member symbols as static members. For inner and instance members, you can use scoping punctuation after the namepath, or you can add the @inner or @instance tag.
The "forced" @memberof tag, @memberof!, forces the object to be documented as belonging to a specific parent even if it appears to have a different parent.
In the following example, the hammer
function would normally be documented as a global function.
That's because, in fact, it is a global function, but it is also a member of the Tools
and that's how you wish to document it. The solution is to add a @memberof tag:
/** @namespace */
var Tools = {};
/** @memberof Tools */
var hammer = function() {
Tools.hammer = hammer;
For instance members of a class, use the syntax "@memberof ClassName.prototype" or "@memberof ClassName#". Alternatively, you can combine "@memberof ClassName" with the "@instance" tag.
/** @class Observable */
* This will be a static member, Observable.cache.
* @memberof Observable
cache: [],
* This will be an instance member, Observable#publish.
* @memberof Observable.prototype
publish: function(msg) {},
* This will also be an instance member, Observable#save.
* @memberof Observable#
save: function() {},
* This will also be an instance member, Observable#end.
* @memberof Observable
* @instance
end: function() {}
The following example uses the forced @memberof tag, "@memberof!", to document a property of an object (Data#point) that is an instance member of a class (Data).
When you use the @property tag to document a property, you cannot link to the property using its longname. We can force the property to be linkable by using "@alias" and "@memberof!" to tell JSDoc that Data#point.y should be documented as a member "point.y" of "Data#", rather than a member "y" of "point" of "Data#".
/** @class */
function Data() {
* @type {object}
* @property {number} y This will show up as a property of `Data#point`,
* but you cannot link to the property as {@link Data#point.y}.
this.point = {
* The @alias and @memberof! tags force JSDoc to document the
* property as `point.x` (rather than `x`) and to be a member of
* `Data#`. You can link to the property as {@link Data#point.x}.
* @alias point.x
* @memberof! Data#
x: 0,
y: 1